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Esther E. Randall

Drawings prismacolor and marker

Kane and Able

Kentucky Morning

Calico Cat

The Night of the Escape

Someday I am going to wreck my car; I am always looking. I am slaked by my surroundings as I drive, and am continually seeking visual phenomena to ‘feed’ my work. First there is sky and light; Kentucky has a very big one compared to my childhood home state of South Carolina, and its variability enthralls me. Emphasizing cloud formations allows me to create dramatic and often irrational lighting effects. The second is ‘place’. I look for odd, out of the way sites easily overlooked, as a means to explore different levels of visibility, of spaces, of existence. Lastly, there is drama of detail. I am a story ‘suggester’ rather than a ‘story-teller’. I include elements meant to evoke a narrative, but it is up to the viewer to provided their own explanations as to what is going on. As I drive along the road I am looking for roadside ‘drama’ to use in my work (US 25 is a rich resource in this regard.) My work is about color, light, space, and mystery.
Kentucky Afternoon
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